published on in corga

1998: WWF vs WCW | WrestleZone Forums

The WWF had the better roster, main event and midcard, and they utilized their talents better.

Easy to look at the names on the WCW side but it's incredibly misleading as they were filled with washed up legends out of their prime & that weren't in the best health and a lot of uncharismatic vanilla midget hacks not named Chris Jericho in the mid-card. There's a reason why Chris Jericho is the only one from the WCW mid-card that managed to stand out and steal the show sometimes. "But oh they could wrestle!" Please spare me that. So could a lot of the guys on the WWF side like Owen, X-Pac, D-Lo, HHH, Jarrett, Shamrock, Venis, Goldust, Snow, Savio, Taka, Kaientai, Mero, Scorpio, Gangrel, Too Much etc.

It would be like me saying the WWF had a better roster because they had Vader, LOD, Terry Funk (arguably bigger and more established names than some of the top WCW names) but it doesn't work like that. The people picking WCW's roster, that's how their mindset is working. They're picking based off names like Savage, Hennig, Hall etc. but look at their conditions in 98.

I agree though that 1998 was the best year ever for wrestling. All 3 companies, WWF, WCW and ECW were on fire and running wild. You had badasses on top in Austin, Goldberg and Taz. People's Champs in Rock, DDP and RVD at the top of the mid-card. Great factions like The Corporation, DX, Nation, NWO Wolfpac & Hollywood and The Triple Threat. Great feuds, matches, storylines, angles, babyfaces, heels and variety of compelling characters everywhere. Most magical time ever.
